April 2, 2018

Lets Deal With This Together 3

Hi Lovelies!
Happy Holidays Yo! I spent my holiday sleeping…. It was all I needed.

I got a new book which I must recommend to you all… Deal with it by Paula White. It is an amazing book… Words alone can not do justice to the wealth of wisdom and guidance contained in that book. For those scared of reading… It’s a short book (just 200 and something pages)

Bask and Enjoy your moments of pure Joy/victory.
In this part of the world we are made to hide our joy or victory when something amazingly beautiful happens to us. Why? Enemies, bad belle people. You don’t want them to feel offended or threatened by your happiness so you down play your happiness, tell them it’s just an ‘ordinary contract, small car, yeye job’
Well I am here to tell you that you deserve this moments of expression of undiluted, pure happiness.
Let me give an example, sometime at the beginning of the year, I saw a former friend (yes, former friend cuz I had to cut her off for the sake of my sanity, peace and reputation, we will talk about this in the next point) and as we were talking about movement in Lagos, I unconsciously mentioned that driving in Lagos is draining. Immediately her question was “who dash you car” and everything she said next was to either make me feel like my joy was too little to celebrate. Ps: I bought the car last year, so I had already had my moment and moved on but she wanted to just crush a moment I had already basked in but I was having none of it.
(if I type my response to her, this post will be longer than I planned, but just know that I set her straight with a sarcastic smile {I wear sarcasm like a second skin😉})
Take those moments of joy and bask in it, it’s your right!

Keep your Circle Small and Relevant
I know we hear this alot, but as far as your mental and emotional health is concerned, this cannot be over emphasized.
You must not only keep your circle small but it is important to make sure these are Relevant people. They must be relevant to your growth, genuinely happy to see you grow.
Not everyone you grew up with in interested in your progress (frankly, I fear those types of people more but I am blessed with very very very few of them😅).
Another reason to keep your circle small is this ‘Sense of Entitlement ‘ mentality that people possess. Some people feel they are entitled to being happier, more successful than you. (I wish I could explain this point properly but it will need a post on its own 🤔)
Bottom line, surround yourself with relevant people who are happy to see you become better and help celebrate milestones (no matter how little) in your life.

How you found this helpful. I’ll sharesome wisdom nuggets from the book. Please, like share and drop a comment as the spirit leads.
Enjoy the rest of your Holiday 😘😘



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