June 23, 2018

Singled Out


Hey Guys!!!
What’s up Yo! 😎
A few days back, I was having a refreshing conversation with someone really dear to me. we talked about work, business, projects and all the other random things girls talk about 😀.
Suddenly she paused for about 5seconds, looking straight at me with very thoughtful eyes and said:

Friend: “But how are you doing it? How do you feel when you see **** especially when he got married just months after the breakup , how are you able to be civil with him, how and why did you forgive in a hurry, how have you been able to stay single for years without loosing your mind, especially in this annoying society filled with #CoupleGoals 😂

I smiled, I saw this question coming, I was more than happy to answer her. You cannot successfully love a person in a relationship if you haven’t figured out how to love yourself in singleness.
You go into relationships/marriage expecting the person to makeup for your deficiency. So you put unrealistic expectations on another jacked up human being.
The problem wasn’t just him, I was also a work in progress and I didn’t know till I sat myself down and told myself the truth.
He didn’t know he did me the greatest favor ever! I am not the same person I was and frankly I am the better for it!

Most of us are so sick of singleness that we think that being in a relationship or marriage will solve our loneliness problem. Basically, you are sick of yourself and you think being with somebody else is going to make it better. But they are sick of themselves too, so both of you are about to become sick and miserable together. Not a combination I’ll choose Biko. 😑😐

Some people wait till they are married to figure out their singleness, so they are trying to be married and single at the same time… KO LE WERK!

When I got the flyer for this program and saw the theme : “SINGLED OUT” I caught myself smiling deeply.
Please join us on the 22nd of July 2018 let’s trash this out together. Same dear friend of mine will be there. I’ll be glad to have you there with us.

Please share your thoughts, comments and discovery on how you have been handling your singleness journey. Let’s be vulnerable together. And don’t forget to share 😘😍


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